Worker’s PAS
About Worker’sPAS
The Worker’sPAS (“Worker’s Practically Acquired Skills”) is a document that certifies the skills and competences of an individual for a particular occupation. The Worker’sPAS outlines the expected skills and competence the holder can acquire in the occupation. Therefore as a new skill/ competency is acquired, it is assessed and certified in the holder’s Worker’sPAS.
The Worker’sPAS provides a certification opportunity to transfer skills acquired informally into the formal qualification system, thereby enhancing the link between informal and formal training. Furthermore, the Worker’sPAS is designed to reflect the holder’s employment career and recognizes continuous training and lifelong learning.
This certification will tackle the major constraint of recognition of non formal and informally acquired skills especial in the informal sector. The linkage between this certification to the formal education structure will also go a long way in ensuring that employees and workers can upgrade their skills in line with the national qualification framework.
National Recognition
The Worker’sPAS is recognized within the Uganda Vocational Qualifications Framework (UVQF) standards of the Directorate of Industrial Training (DIT). The BTVET Act 2008 mandates the DIT to assess and certify formal and informal skills training.
This initiative of validation of non-formal and informal practices through the Worker’sPAS in Uganda is to being implemented by a consortium of key private sector stakeholders led by Swisscontact and Private Sector Foundation Uganda (PSFU) in partnership with UGAPRIVI, DIT and other stakeholders.